Example of Disagreement at Work

In today`s professional world, it`s not uncommon to encounter disagreements or conflicts with colleagues or superiors. While disagreements can be uncomfortable and challenging, they can also provide an opportunity for growth and improved communication. In this article, we will explore an example of a disagreement at work and discuss how to handle it effectively.


Samantha, a copywriter, and Tom, a graphic designer, are working on a project for a client. Samantha has written a tagline for the campaign, but Tom doesn`t think it`s the right fit. He suggests a different tagline, but Samantha disagrees and argues that her tagline is more creative and attention-grabbing.

How to handle the disagreement:

1. Listen to the other person`s perspective: It`s important to hear the other person out and understand their reasoning. Samantha should listen to Tom`s perspective and try to understand why he thinks his tagline is better.

2. Explain your reasoning: Samantha should also explain why she believes her tagline is the best fit. She can provide examples of similar campaigns with successful taglines to support her argument.

3. Find a compromise: Sometimes, the best solution is a compromise. Samantha and Tom can work together to come up with a tagline that incorporates elements of both of their ideas. This will not only solve the disagreement but can also result in a stronger end product.

4. Focus on the end goal: It`s important to keep in mind the end goal of the project. Both Samantha and Tom should prioritize the success of the campaign over their individual ideas.

5. Seek input from others: If the disagreement is ongoing, it may be helpful to seek input from other team members or a supervisor. A fresh perspective can provide clarity and help resolve the disagreement.


Disagreements are a natural part of the workplace, and they can provide an opportunity for growth and improved communication. By listening to each other`s perspectives, explaining reasoning, finding a compromise, focusing on the end goal, and seeking input from others, it`s possible to handle disagreements effectively and professionally. In the case of Samantha and Tom, a compromise tagline might have been the best solution, but the important thing was that both parties were heard and respected throughout the disagreement.